Thursday, April 12, 2012

I got trolled

Now I wonder whom I ticked off. Or is this a random trolling? Then again, I have had some ugly fallings out with internet savvy friends. *sigh*

I was checking on what sites link to my ati site and I was very surprised to see a link to a gay porn story site with my little jpg of the dawn sword from this blog and some praise for the story. WTF?

Those are not my words. I don't care or judge what people do or write in their own time (as long as it's informed consent among adults anyway), but those are not my words. I'm most upset that someone lied in my name. That's dishonorable, and it's dishonoring me.

And the worst part of this is that there is nothing I can do. If I complain, more trolls will act and I don't want a "Santorum Google Problem" on my hands.

Once again, it goes to show that while humans have evolved over time, humanity has not.

Update - I should mention that the "suspect" had access to the computer I used. *headdesk* I should really, really stop giving some a-holes second (third, fourth) chances because they play nicely to my face.

In other news, wiping my hands and moving on. Life is but a learning experience, often painful.

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