Tuesday, June 23, 2009

you KNOW it's a bad day

You know it's not going to be a good day when at 5 am, it's already 80 degrees (of which at the time, I was blissfully unaware). You know it's not going to be a good day when you get a phone call at 5:30 am because your best friend's car overheated and now he needs a ride.

Turned out it was just a bad thermostat.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sci Fi

I love science fiction. But, have you ever noticed that in TV shows and movies that the ship is shot to hell, the warp/hyper drive is offline (as it is usually the first thing to go), shields are at minimum (if they have shields), etc etc... However, the artificial gravity NEVER falters or fails. I think a system like that would be fragile, complicated and one of the first things to go offline, but apparently, that's what I get for paying attention in physics.

I'm starting to think that they don't film these things in space at all...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bunny Part 2

There were six baby bunnies in all. Dakota was raiding the nest the next morning when we let him out, and taking them one at a time to the back of his dog house outside. So, when I got off work, I gathered all the bunnies (including finding the one from the night before on the other side of the fence). There's a local vet here that takes them in and releases them when they're old enough to care for themselves. I seriously didn't like taking them away from the mother, but the burrow was smack dab in the middle of my labrador retriever's territory. And every time he saw the mother, he ran her off.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dakota caught a baby bunny

Here is the dog (note the crate in the background):

We let him out for the last time tonight, and when I called him to come back in I noticed he stopped and sniffed the ground intently. Fine. He's a dog. Then, I noticed that he picked something up, dropped it and picked it up again. He proceeded to dilligently trot into the house and straight into his room (aka the dog crate). It is his personal space, we just leave the crate door open at all times.

Well, I wanted to know what it was that he brought into the house and was now almost sitting on top of in the very back of his room.

It moved. "A mouse!" The dog continued to hover over the tiny creature. I looked again, and nope, it was a baby rabbit. It didn't even have its eyes open. He hadn't hurt it in any way, either. Apparently, labrador retrievers can be very gentle with their jaws. I'm guessing that he didn't want to eat it because he was very careful not to injure it, and I haven't known a dog to save a meal for later. Although, I have known them to hide their treats and bones around. So, in the end, I'm guessing I'm saying that I have no clue if he was saving the little thing for a midnight snack or if he was going to try to raise it.

Needless to say, he was excited when M lured him out of his crate with a dog treat, and then promptly upset with me when I wouldn't let him right back in. I took the baby rabbit outside and very gently pushed it through the bottom of the fence into my neighbor's in a spot where I know the rabbits squirm underneath. I didn't put it back in our yard because I know he'll remember tomorrow morning. I hope the poor thing makes it.

In other news, I loathe that wood paneling. My plan is to tear it all out, insulate the walls properly and put up drywall. Of course, where's the time to do that???